Good morning America! My name is Mia. I am an A+ student in school. My parents are strict but they are still nice and they love me so much. Last year for Christmas they got me an Ipad. They let me use my iPad once I am done with my homework. On the weekends they let me use it for one and a half hours. Something I like to do on my iPad is art games. I have a cat for a pet. The teachers at my school are strict but I like it. The one thing I do not like about school is that there is this kid named Billy and he is mean to me and my friend Fran. He calls us mean names like nerds. Okay, enough talking about my personal life! Let’s move on with the story.

“Honey, you have to wake up for school. How come you overslept? Is there something going on in school I should know about?” my mom said.

“Well there is this kid named Billy and he calls me and Fran mean names like nerds and bullies us,” I told her in a soft voice. 

“Okay, I will figure this out. Just get ready for school, okay,” my mom said. As I got out of bed I was yawning and it looked like there was a bird’s nest in my hair. I tried to brush it out but that did not work, so I just left it like that and got dressed in my uniform. Man, these uniforms are so uncomfortable! I thought to myself. On the way to school I ate my breakfast and I tried to brush my hair down again but it still did not work, so I just gave up. The first person I saw when I stepped into the school was Billy. He of course had to be mean, this is what he said to me.

“What happened to your hair, nerd? It looks so ugly.” 

I just walked past him. Then I found Fran. 2 hours later was lunch. They were serving mystery sandwiches. When I found where Fran was sitting I sat down with her. Then I took a bite out of the sandwich. After I took the bite my throat started to feel tight. I tapped Fran and pointed to my throat. Fran knows I’m allergic to peanuts. So she got up and ran to the closest person. Guess who it was? If you guessed Billy you are right. But this was an emergency so Fran had to ask him for help. As soon as Fran told him he got up and ran to get the nurse. When the nurse got to the cafeteria she called an ambulance to come and help then she called my parents to head over to the hospital where I would be and she told them what happened. For once Billy was actually nice.