One evening I was playing in my room with my dolls. I wanted my dolls to have another friend so I went to look for another doll. First, I looked in my closet but I found nothing but an old yo-yo and an old stuffed animal that I used to sleep with when I was maybe 5 years old. I named it Teddy because it was an easy name to come up with, and because the stuffed toy was a teddy bear.
Then I went to look in the basement, but I found nothing but an old doll house covered in spider webs. I left it in the basement so my mom could clean it up for me to play with, or so we could give it away or donate it.
I went up to the attic. When I got up there I saw a bunch of boxes. I had two choices, I could either go through all of the boxes to try and find something or I could not waste my time and just forget about the doll thing. I could just go back to my room and just play with the dolls I already have. I chose the long way and I wanted to look through all of the boxes to try and find a doll. Lucky for me I found a doll. The doll I found was a little creepy but I decided to take the doll anyway.
I walked back to my room and started playing. As I was playing I thought I heard a sound, but I decided to just forget about it. A few minutes later I heard the sound again, so I started to investigate, just like Dora The Explorer. I was super-duper quiet, probably quieter than a mouse. I wanted to try and hear the sound again, so then I could try and find out where the sound was coming from. I heard the sound again and it came from the doll…the doll slowly came alive, and it grabbed me. It ran out of the house with me over its shoulder. I was screaming louder than a baby’s cry, but no one could hear me. It was because I live on an abandoned farm next to a graveyard. The doll ran all the way to the graveyard with me. The doll ran up a grave. The grave had the name “Eloise” on it, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw the name Eloise on the doll’s arm!
Eloise kicked down the grave with her foot, and dropped me in it. It was all dark inside and there were a bunch of other kids, but they were all dolls! Then Eloise came into the grave. She had a green bottle of something. She opened my mouth and she poured it in. Then, I started having flashbacks of the day, like when Eloise ran out of the house and when she came alive.
Then, my feet and legs started to become plastic! Before I knew it, I was dollified. I tried to move but it felt like I was stuck in an ice cube. I tried even harder to get out. I could still breath and see, but then I saw Eloise leave. Then, I tried to move more and I finally got out! I turned back into a human. I looked all around for an antidote to turn all of the other kids back to human. I couldn’t find anything, but I knew there had to be an antidote. I kept on looking for about ten minutes but I could not still find anything. I thought it would be smart to dig in the ground and in the walls underneath the grave. I saw a shovel and I started to dig. Then, I saw something glowing… IT WAS THE ANTIDOTE!!
Then, I heard a loud noise just like an elephant stomping. The grave opened, I heard Eloise coming down! I put back the antidote and pretended to be a doll so Eloise would not notice, and she went back up. I went back and grabbed the antidote and put it in all of the kids’ mouths. They all return to be human. The next thing was to get everyone out.
I went out first to make sure the coast was clear. I didn’t see anyone, so I said to all of the kids they could climb up one by one. We all got out safely.
I took all of the kids inside the house. I ran past my parents with all of the kids and yelled to my parents and said, “I have no time to explain.”
I ran right up to my room to hide all of the kids. My room is pretty big so it was easy to fit all of the kids in my room.
I said to my parents, “This creepy doll captured me and turned me into a doll, put me in a grave, opened my mouth and made me drink this potion and turned me into a doll. I got myself out of doll form and looked for an antidote. I found it and put it in the kid’s mouths and they came back to a human form. Then the doll came back into the grave. I had to pretend to be a doll again and I brought all of the kids here.”
“So you saved all of the kids?!” My mom asked, questionably surprised.
“Yeah,” I answered. “We have to get these kids back to their families,” I said.
So we did just that. How? Well, we put up signs with the kids’ faces on them saying:
“We saved your kids from this creepy doll, if you want them back call 918-265-1725.”
We hung these in the more populated part of town. Half an hour later, I got millions of calls. After we got the phone calls, we would ask where they lived so we could bring the kids back, but to know the parents were the real parents we asked the person on the phone what the name of the kid was and what the kid’s birthday was. A few people lied, but it was only two people. The rest of the people told us the truth. Then we returned all of the kids with their parents and called the police so the people who were lying would get a talk with the cops.
The End