Mia walked into the abandoned carnival and then… THE DOOR CLOSED BEHIND HER! She was stuck in the carnival. Mia only went in there for a joke, not to get trapped! Mia tried to climb the fence to get out, but she felt someone grab her.
“Who is that?” said Mia. Mia turned around and saw a doll. “Ahh!” said Mia.
“Are you scared?” said the doll.
“Uhh… no!” said Mia. Mia ran as fast as she could. She was really scared. Mia stopped at the tea cups and hid in one. In the tea cup she was in she found another doll. She was wondering if that doll was nice.
“Are you nice?” said Mia.
“Yes, I am a nice doll trying to hide from the doll over at the fence, are you?” said the nice doll.
”Yes, I am trying to hide from the doll too,” said Mia. “I think I see the doll coming.” They both got out of the tea cup and ran to the fairies wheel. “It is really rusty in here,” said Mia.
“It is,” said the nice doll.
“I see the doll coming,” said Mia.
“We should go,” said the doll.
Mia and the doll both tried to get out of the carnival. They tried again and again until they finally got out.
“Yay we did it!” said Mia. Luckily, she knew her way back. When they were at the carnival she had her phone so she took a video and showed her mom. When she showed her mom the video, none of the dolls were in the video.
“See, the dolls aren’t real,” said Mia’s mom.
”Ugh!” said Mia. The next day she went back to the carnival but it wasn’t abandoned. “WHAT? HOW?” said Mia. ”Am I dreaming?”