Chapter 1

One day a fifth grader named Evie had a teacher named Ms. C. The first day of school came. She heard rumors about Ms. C. One was that she was so nice. One was that she was so mean. She didn’t know if she was nice or not.

She had Ms. C for homeroom. Evie got to school and she went to her locker to see if she could find a friend to make because Evie was at a new school and she had no friends. She went to math class. Ms. C was so mean. She had to do 10 math pages in 5 minutes, and if you didn’t finish, you had to do it for homework. 

Next, Evie had gym class. She had to do 20 laps around the gym, and if she didn’t finish, she would have to come in during lunch to do it. Gym was over, and next Evie had art. She hoped art would be good. Evie loved art anyway, so what could go wrong? Evie got to art and the art teacher, Mr.B, let everyone draw whatever they wanted. Evie drew Mr.B, and he loved it. She got an A in art. He was the best teacher out of all. The day was over. When she was walking out, she met a girl named Bethany, and they became friends.

When she got home she told her mom and dad about her school day.

Chapter 2

One day, Bethany had some sad news for Evie. She… had to move to CALIFORNIA. Evie was so sad. The first day of school came for Bethany, and her teacher Mrs. A was so nice. Bethany was so happy that Mrs. A was so nice. Good thing Bethany had Evie on her phone because she was in California and they were so far away. Evie missed Bethany so much. They called so many times. Sometimes they even called the whole day. 

Then the day came: July 10th, or Bethany’s birthday. Her mom had a surprise, it was… TICKETS TO SEE EVIE AGAIN! She was so happy. 

The plane landed, and Evie was waiting for Bethany to come. Evie saw Bethany, and Evie started running to Bethany. She was running so fast to hug Bethany. She finally got to Bethany and they hugged each other so tight. They could never be separated from each other and their friendship.