Chapter 1
Run! Run! Run! Joseph ran for his life, dodging all the grabs from the kidnappers except one…But let’s rewind first.
Just another day in the orphanage, Joseph woke up with a loud yawn and went to the dining table where his fellow orphans were waiting. Great, another day of steaming-hot oatmeal, and a day of hard work. After eating with his fellow orphans, they all went to the restroom to brush their teeth and take a bath.
Then they heard a knock, a big loud knock. It was the adoption people who were here at last! But to his dismay, Joseph sadly saw that, one by one, the kids got adopted, but he hadn’t gotten adopted yet by anyone, which was really weird because he was a super smart kid. In the end he was the last and only one there.
Everyone else had left. Joseph jerked up on his bed, grabbing the flickering, melting candle on his bedside table, the only source of light in his room, and thought about the nightmare he just had, what family was like, and how his fellow orphans were living.
Joseph was an orphan who stayed in an orphanage called Benescare Orphanage. The orphanage had dark, gloomy, gray walls with no windows to see the bright sunshine streaking through, and no colors or designs on the wall at all. Also, the only sounds you could ever hear were the loud rumbles of thunder and lightning zapping everything into dark brown patches of nothing.
One day after collecting his last penny, he ran out of the orphanage when no one was watching in search of an adoption family that would take him in. He ran like the wind to the bus station and waited for the bus for what seemed like hours, but when the bus finally came it was overflowing with people and he had to wait for the next bus.
So he just went to the train station paying his coins for a random ticket and hopped aboard a random train, since he knew people at the orphanage were probably out searching for him right this second. When he got in, he found a seat to sit down at, and took a supposedly “quick” nap, but…it turned out to be longer than he thought. He slept for a long, long time.
When he woke up, he saw the train leaving the last stop, and knew that he was in a lot of trouble. They were going to the train depot, and they would find him and take him back to the orphanage, the terrible, horrible orphanage.
He tried to think of a plan fast, but he couldn’t think of anything. The train’s doors were locked, so he couldn’t get out of there. If you wanted to get out from the emergency doors, you had to pull an emergency handle which would cause too much attention, so he couldn’t get out either way.
Seconds were ticking by as the train was getting closer and closer to the depot, and Joseph knew he was out of time. So he did the only thing that he could think of – jump through the train window. Yes, that’s right, he jumped out the window.
Right after jumping out the window, he ran towards an abandoned platform, but right before he could climb onto the platform, a bullet train traveling at 300 miles per hour rushed past him. The force made his hair and his shorts ruffle in the breeze like a flag flapping in the wind. He slowly climbed onto the abandoned platform, pulling himself up with his little remaining energy, and settled in a small corner of the platform to rest and think about what just happened.
He then got up after a bit and strolled around the platform, studying it and luckily found some food and some shelter. Then he settled in for a good night’s sleep since it was getting dark.
Cough! Cough! Joseph woke up in a cold sweat, wait, this was water, not sweat…oh! no! The abandoned platform was flooding! Joseph’s vision was getting blurrier by the second. He needed air right now. He swam up and up, kicking his legs harder and harder. Using all his strength, he kicked his legs one last time and burst up and out of the water.
He saw a few stairs on a staircase that had not been flooded yet, and immediately swam over and stepped onto it; he could see outside that it was still night and it was raining real hard.
Even though he couldn’t see anything, he headed outside and remembered that it was a really bad place, because he somehow knew it from his smarts. Meanwhile the bad guys from Herndon prison had somehow escaped from one of the hardest prisons to escape from, and had regrouped with their leader.
They formed an evil plan to make one of the deadliest weapons of all time, and to build it, they were going to need some smarts, which is where Joseph came in…Back to Joseph, Joseph walked down a street and somehow found an umbrella and 100 dollars on the ground. Then he saw some food in a trail leading toward an alleyway. He was so hungry, and tired his brain wasn’t functioning well at all, so he followed the path. While following the path of food scraps into the alleyway, he also didn’t seem to notice the dark figures lurking in the shadows until it was too late.
“Get him!” was all he heard before he started running through the kidnappers, dodging all of their grabs except one, and then he blacked out.
That’s it for chapter one, chapter 2 coming out next year!!
Chapter 2 (PREVIEW)
When Joseph woke up, he found himself inside a secret science laboratory, surrounded by people and a mad-looking scientist staring at him.